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IIT Ropar and Excelsoft Introduce AI Lab for Educational Innovation

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IIT Ropar and Excelsoft AI Lab

In a notable advancement in educational technology, the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar has announced a strategic partnership with Excelsoft Technologies to establish the 'Professor Dhananjaya Lab for Education Design and Creative Learning.' This lab, named in honour of the eminent educationist Mr M.H. Dhananjaya, is set to bridge academic research with industry expertise to drive innovation in the EdTech sector.

Under the leadership of MrSudarshan Iyengar, Head of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department at IIT Ropar, the lab will focus on developing state-of-the-art AI models to enhance current learning and assessment tools. The initiative also aims to explore novel educational methodologies and technologies to create scalable and practical tools to improve learning experiences.

Excelsoft Technologies is keen to leverage the potential of this collaboration to position India at the forefront of global EdTech innovation. The partnership will see teams from both Excelsoft and IIT Ropar, including PhD scholars, MTech and BTech students, and dedicated staff, working hand in hand to advance this initiative.

This initiative is a significant stride towards establishing India as a global leader in EdTech innovation. Teams from both Excelsoft Technologies and IIT Ropar, including PhD scholars and MTech and BTech students, will collaborate in the 'Professor Dhananjaya Lab for Education Design and Creative Learning' to explore cutting-edge technologies and develop next-generation learning tools.

  • IIT Ropar
  • Excelsoft
  • AI-driven lab

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