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SOA Researchers Develop Innovative Formulations For Medical Care, Sign Technology Licensing Agreement With NRDC

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Researchers at Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (SOA) here have developed simple, economical, and innovative pharmaceutical formulations to treat a variety of chronic medical conditions, for which the Deemed to be University signed a technology licencing agreement with the Ministry of Science and Technology's National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) on Wednesday for societal benefits. 

Prof. Goutam Rath, Professor at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (SPS), SOA's faculty of pharmaceutical sciences, and leader of the research team, stated that the formulations developed are intended to treat dry eyes and throat infections and mitigate long-term adverse events associated with cancer treatment.

The researchers at SOA-DBT BUILDER National Laboratory in SPS created an innovative formulation for people using various eye drops which contained preservatives. “The preservatives used actually lead to ocular discomfort or, at times, permanent visual deformities following prolonged use,” Prof. Rath said.

  • SOA Researchers
  • NRDC
  • Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • National Research Development Corporation

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