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The NLU Delhi Has Launched The 'Eklavya' Research Affiliate Scheme

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Education Exclusive

Under its new academic initiatives, the National Law University (NLU) of Delhi today established Eklavya, a 'Research Affiliate' programme. This programme is offered to persons without a standard law degree. 

The institution hopes to stress its commitment to actively seek relationships outside of the university and to rely on their experiences and viewpoints in order to promote outstanding legal studies. The initiative is accessible to anyone with at least three years of verifiable experience working on challenges that have significant legal interaction. For the candidate to be eligible for this programme, at least three years must have passed after the conclusion of the undergraduate degree.

Candidates should keep in mind that if they are employed full-time or part-time by any organization/firm/company/law chambers/government department, etc., consent to participate in this fellowship will be necessary at the time of final selection. Self-employed individuals, freelancers, and independent consultants, among others, will be required to make a declaration to that effect at the time of final selection.
The application form is available all year, and interested candidates can apply online at Applicants must submit an online application form along with their CV. Candidates must submit the following documents:

  • A 500-word statement indicating experience with issues that have a substantial legal interface and their relevance to the planned research.
  • A statement of no more than 1000 words on the proposed research and paper the applicant intends to complete during the fellowship. It must clearly identify the research question, and its scope must be such that it can be completed in a year.
  • A statement of no more than 500 words that gives a feasibility reason for the applicant's intention to pursue the fellowship alongside existing obligations. Generic justifications will not suffice, and the statement must include a demonstration of viability.

  • The NLU Delhi
  • The 'Eklavya' Research Affiliate Scheme
  • National Law University (NLU)

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