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Growing Tomorrow's Dreams Today

The Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Gandhinagar, Commemorated Its 15th Foundation Day On August 5.

Campus News

Education Exclusive

The director unveiled iconic photos of the campus. On the occasion, the students presented a variety of events, including dance, musical, and dramatic acts.

The National Education Policy recommends the integration of liberal arts education because it prepares one not only for their first job but also for their entire career, according to Rita Teaotia, who spoke passionately about the need to pair engineering education with liberal arts discipline. Liberal arts education is more crucial and valuable for one's career than ever with the advent of the fourth industrial revolution and the quickly shifting employment landscape.

In Chandkheda, Ahmedabad, within the Vishwakarma Government Engineering College, IIT Gandhinagar was founded in 2008. The National Institute Ranking Framework, or NIRF 2023, lists the Institute as one of the nation's top 20 higher education institutions.

The 400-acre zero-waste campus of IIT Gandhinagar, located on the banks of the Sabarmati River, is home to more than 2,200 students. The Institute has a reputation for being a pioneer in educational initiatives that have won praise both domestically and abroad. In the fields of academia and campus improvement, it has garnered a great deal of additional accolades.

  • The Indian Institute of Technology
  • IIT Gandhinagar
  • commemorated its 15th foundation day on August 5
  • 400-acre zero-waste campus of IIT Gandhinagar
  • Vishwakarma Government Engineering College
  • IIT Gandhinagar
  • National Institute Ranking Framework
  • or NIRF 2023

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