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SIIC At IIT Kanpur Has Launched A Hindi Publication Division For Businesses And Incubators

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IIT Kanpur's technological company incubator, the Startup Incubation and Innovation Centre (SIIC), has inaugurated its Hindi Publication Division. By presenting pioneering research and projects in Hindi, this section strives to make SIIC IIT Kanpur's innovative work more accessible to a wider audience. Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director of IIT Kanpur, Deputy Director Prof. S Ganesh, Prof. Ankush Sharma, Dr Nikhil Agarwal, Professor Amitabha Bandyopadhyay, and Mr Piyush Mishra attended the inaugural ceremony.

The major goal of the Hindi Publication Division is to reduce the linguistic barrier to accessing technical information on startups and innovation. It offers a platform for non-English speakers to easily access and comprehend technical information. Furthermore, it intends to promote technical translation efforts and the dissemination of technical knowledge in Hindi. This effort is consistent with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which aims to make technical information more accessible in Hindi.

SIIC IIT Kanpur's Hindi Publication Division goes beyond simply offering a forum for obtaining technical knowledge in Hindi. It actively fosters innovation and entrepreneurship in Hindi-speaking communities. It aims to make a good societal impact and increase the accessibility of innovation by publishing outstanding work in Hindi.

  • SIIC at IIT Kanpur
  • IIT Kanpur has launched a Hindi Publication Division
  • businesses and incubators
  • National Education Policy (NEP)

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