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JRF And SRF Fellowship Increases Of Roughly 20% Disappoint Scholars, And Protests Will Continue

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Education Exclusive

The Department of Science and Technology has boosted the JRF stipend by 19% and the SRF stipend by 20%. Despite the department's move, PhD students continue to demand that the fellowship pay for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF), Senior Research Fellowship (SRF), and all three levels of Research Associates be increased by at least 60%.

It should be emphasised that PhD academics and research associates have been requesting an increase in salary for nearly a year. However, the fellowship stipend for research employees participating in the R&D programme of central government departments and agencies was last evaluated in 2019. Stipends for RA-1, RA-2, and RA-3 have been increased by 23%, 24%, and 16%, respectively, compared to 2019.

The JRF stipend has increased to Rs 37,000 from Rs 31,000 under the new fellowship stipend, while the SRF stipend has increased by 20% to Rs 42,000. Research Associate 1 will be paid Rs 58,000, Research Associate 2 will be paid Rs 61,000, and Research Associate 3 will be paid Rs 63,000. The DST tweeted, "Govt. has approved enhancing emoluments for JRF/SRF/RAs engaged in R&D activities, whereby they will receive the following fellowships/month w.e.f. 01/01/2023."

  • JRF and SRF fellowship
  • JRF and SRF fellowship increased by roughly 20%
  • The Department of Science and Technology
  • Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)
  • Senior Research Fellowship (SRF)

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