Delhi University To Get Brand New 'East Campus', Will Be Ready By 2026
Campus News
According to Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh, building of the Delhi University's East Campus is anticipated to begin the following year and be completed by 2026. The university, which currently has two campuses (North and South), had previously declared plans for growth. To add more courses and a legal centre, the plans called for building East and West campuses. The East Campus building project has received a funding request from the Delhi University from the federal government.
"The construction of the East Campus will begin in the next eight months. The process is underway. We have applied for funding with the Government of India," Mr Singh told. He continued by saying that the East Campus would be developed along the same lines as the North and South campuses.
The Vice-Chancellor stated that the East campus' construction is anticipated to be finished by the end of 2026 and that "we are planning to start law programmes there."
- Delhi University
- Vice-Chancellor stated that the East campus
- Vice Chancellor Yogesh Singh