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Will AI Eventually Replace Humans?

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In today's world, we have AI everywhere. It's not wrong to say we open our eyes to it and close with it. It is obvious that AI threatens people as a predator of their jobs or, even worse - Human Predecessor. Let's dig out if it's possible for AI to replace humans.

What AI exactly is?
Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines, particularly computer systems, to mimic human intellectual functions. Examples of particular AI applications include natural language, expert systems, machine learning, processing, speech recognition, and machine vision. 

What AI can do?
There is a set of astonishing revelations about what AI can actually do. Here you will know why people worldwide are worried about this unexpurgated Artificial Intelligence. Below are some mesmerising things AI can do.

  • AI can READ for you so that you can focus on the most important parts of communication while saving time.
  • AI can SMELL human Breath and can diagnose diseases like Cancer, diabetes, brain injuries and more. AI Bots can identify gas leaks or other caustic chemicals.
  • AI can HEAR & UNDERSTAND. It can detect gunshots, analyse the sound, and then alert relevant agencies.
  • AI can WRITE some excellent social media posts, Newsletters, Emails, Stories and even Novels.
  • AI can DEBATE with humans on Complex subjects.
  • AI can actually SEE. It can drive cars, facial recognition for police work, payment portals, and more.
  • AI can CREATE, produce music, write poems, create visual art, and capture pictures are all examples of creative processes.
  • AI can TOUCH using Sensors and Cameras. It can figure out ripe/sweet Potatoes/raspberries.
  • AI can SPEAK. It can book your appointments, Schedule your tasks, have conversations with you, respond accurately to you, and guide you through the roads.
  • AI can MOVE from one place to another on its own
  • AI can READ YOUR MIND. It can interpret brain signals and create complex speeches.
  • AI can PLAY GAMES with you, such as chess, Go, and poker. These games are playable by AI, and they can compete with humans and even win!
  • AI can UNDERSTAND EMOTIONS. Artificial emotional intelligence may learn information from a person's body language, facial expressions, and other cues.


Will AI really replace humans?
While it is true that AI has the ability to automate a variety of tasks currently carried out by humans, it is doubtful that this will happen anytime soon.

AI misses Originality
The fact that AI still has limitations in its capabilities is one of the reasons it is unlikely to replace human jobs. While it is possible to train AI algorithms to carry out particular tasks with a high degree of precision, they lack the capacity for the kind of original thought and problem-solving that humans are known for. This implies that jobs requiring these abilities, such as research, design, and strategic planning, will always be needed to be filled by people.

AI Can Only Work With Inputted Data
AI is only able to operate using the data it is given. Anything beyond that would be asking too much of it, and machines are not made that way. Therefore, the machine is useless if the data entered into it does not include a new field of labour or if its algorithm does not account for unexpected events.

AI Lacks Human touch
Because many tasks require a human touch, AI is unlikely to completely replace human workers. Everything that artificial intelligence (AI) now performs with its equivalents (robots, the internet, chatbots) is coded into the computer; therefore, it is unable to think for itself or have a conscious.
For instance, positions in the service sector, like those of waiters, bartenders, and customer service representatives, place a high value on communication and customer-relations abilities. There will always be a need for human professionals in these industries because AI algorithms cannot reproduce these skills.

AI will create more Opportunities
Additionally, the creation and application of AI technology do not take place in a vacuum. There will probably be new industries and employment prospects as AI develops. For instance, the expansion of the AI sector has already resulted in the addition of new positions in disciplines like data science and machine learning. Even more work opportunities will probably be developed as AI develops, compensating for any potential job losses.

It cannot think Creative
There is a definite limit to what AI can accomplish because it is unable to think creatively or break from predetermined plans. As you read this, you may be saying to yourself, "But machine learning is creative because it can show you the best way to optimise a system or complete a task." That's due to the derivative nature of AI technology. You must offer it a pre-programmed situation because it is unable to think of one on its own.

AI is a compliment, not a competition
AI will help with a variety of activities in many industries because machines are capable of performing repetitive jobs with high precision and consistency. Healthcare, legal, creative management, and recruitment are some of these fields. It is crystal evident that having AI-enabled does not mean that human intelligence is disabled; rather, it simply means that it is operating in co-pilot mode. 

Try this with AI
Consider instructing an AI that is capable of machine learning to draw something on a blank sheet of paper using a pen and paper. It wouldn't know what to write or draw. Therefore, it wouldn't create anything.

Give it a drawing of what you want it to duplicate instead, and it will be able to accomplish it and probably do it more accurately because of its precise movement. Machine learning can then be used to improve it even further by analyzing the commonalities of other pertinent elements. If you put a human in front of an AI and ask it to understand its body language or speech patterns, it won't be able to. Because of their emotional intelligence, humans have demonstrated that they can do it effortlessly.

AI doesn't have feelings... For now…..

Although AI indeed has the ability to automate a variety of tasks currently carried out by people, it is doubtful that humans will be entirely replaced by AI in the workforce. Since many jobs/work still require a human touch that machines can't imitate, AI is currently only somewhat useful. In addition, as the AI sector expands, new job possibilities are being created, offsetting any possible job losses. As a result, it is doubtful that AI will soon replace human workers. 

No matter what, AI will never replace Humans, as the creator is Supreme and always have the upper hand.

  • Will AI Eventually replace Humans?
  • why AI is more imp in life
  • benefits of AI
  • what AI is
  • what AI can do
  • AI misses Originality

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