ICSI CSEET 2023 Exam Today, Check Guidelines!
Exam News
ICSI is conducting a retest of the Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) 2023 today, August 1, for candidates who were unable to appear in the exam on July 30, 2023.
Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) 2023 retest is being conducted today, August 1, by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). A retest will be conducted for candidates who could not appear in the exam on July 30 because of technical difficulties. As part of the remote verification process, candidates needing their CSEET 2023 admit card must download it from the official website, icsi.edu. The CSEET 2023 batch timings, user ID and password were sent separately to each candidate by email or SMS. Candidates are required to use these credentials to participate in the retest. The CSEET is conducted four times a year through remote proctoring. Candidates qualified for the CS Foundation, the ICAI CA Final course, or the ICMAI CMA Final course are not required to appear for the CSEET.
Instructions for the CSEET 2023 examination
- There will be continuous video or audio monitoring by a supervisor to ensure fairness in the CSEET entrance examination, which can be taken on a desktop or laptop computer at home or in a secluded location.
- For remote verification, candidates must keep their admit card and valid identification (PAN card, Aadhaar card, passport, driving license, voter identification).
- Candidates are advised to download, install, and verify the safe exam browser (SEBLite) before taking the exam.
- It is recommended that people avoid using hotspots or mobile internet and instead opt for a stable connection to the internet.
- Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test
- ICSI CSEET 2023 Exam
- Institute of Company Secretaries of India
- CSEET 2023 admit card
- CS Foundation
- ICAI CA Final course
- ICMAI CMA Final course