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CUET PG 2023 Admit Card Out For June 16 & 17 Exam: Download Now!

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Education Exclusive

Candidates taking the CUET PG examination on June 16 and June 17 can download their admit cards on the official website: by entering their login credentials, such as their application number and birth date.

The CUET PG admit card for the examination on June 16 and June 17 is now available at the official Candidates taking the test shall download admit cards using their login credentials, such as application number and date of birth. It is advisable for candidates to carefully read subject-specific instructions as well as other instructions in the question paper and to follow them.

As the notice conveys, 'There are some candidates who have not received their Admit Card for the above dates and will get the same in subsequent phases. Those candidates who could not be accommodated in this phase of the examination due to the chosen subject combinations would be accommodated later, and their test would be rescheduled in due course.'

Candidates whose examinations are scheduled after June 16, 2023, will also receive City Intimation Slips / Admit Cards later. Students are advised to check the official portal for further information.

  • CUET PG 2023 Admit Card
  • CUET PG 2023
  • CUET PG 2023 exam
  • CUET PG 2023 city slip

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