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Rs 5,841.08 lakh scholarships distributed to women students by Government

Education News

Rs 5,841.08 lakh scholarships Distributed

The Department of Science and Technology is developing a comprehensive scheme called 'Women in Science and Engineering-KIRAN (WISE-KIRAN)' to give numerous opportunities to women in the Science and Technology (S&T) domain through several programmes.

These programmes include the Women Scientists Scheme, which aims to support women scientists who have taken a career break; the WISE Fellowship for PhD (WISE-PhD), which supports doctoral research in basic and applied sciences; the WISE-Post Doctoral Fellowship (WISE-PDF), which supports post-doctoral research in basic and applied sciences; the WISE-SCOPE, which addresses societal challenges through S&T interventions; and the WIDUSHI, which helps senior women scientists continue their scientific careers.

Another government programme is the 'WISE Internship in IPR (WISE IPR)', which offers training in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. Another one-of-a-kind initiative, 'Vigyan Jyoti', launched in 2020, aims to inspire talented females to pursue careers in underrepresented STEM fields.

The Vigyan Jyoti Programme provides a one-year scholarship to females in Class 12. Since its commencement in 2020, a total of Rs 5841.08 lakh in scholarships have been granted to female students. In 2020-21, female students received a total of Rs 600 lakh in scholarships, followed by Rs 971.52 lakh in 2021-22, Rs 2178.96 lakh in 2022-23, and Rs 2090.60 lakh in 2023-24.

  • Rs 5
  • 841.08 lakh scholarships
  • scholarships distributed to women
  • WISE Fellowship for PhD (WISE-PhD)
  • 'Vigyan Jyoti'
  • launched in 2020

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