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Over 1 Lakh Indian People Are Granted Student Visas By The UK Till June 2023, According To A Report

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According to the most recent data from the UK Home Office, 1,42,848 sponsored study visas have been issued to Indian nationals through June 2023. This represents a 54% increase over the 49,883 additional visas that was issued by June 2022. The UK claims this year saw the most study visas awarded to any nationality, increasing by about seven times over the previous years. 

According to the UK, Nigerians and Indians received almost 72% of the visas given out to students' dependents. With an increase from 24,858 to 43,552, Indian nationals had the second-highest number of dependents. According to the research, the rise in Indian dependents is partly a result of the rise in major applicants and is reasonably proportionate to those developments.

According to the report, the total number of dependents and the percentage of sponsored study-related visas granted to dependents have increased since 2019 as a result of changes in the makeup of students enrolling in higher-level programmes in the UK, who are more likely to have started families, according to the most recent UK data.

The amount of Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) documents the number of applicants for the major academic fields. According to the UK, 500,366 CAS were used in study visa applications in the year ending June 2023, which is 29% more than the year ending June 2022. All other institutions increased by 22%, while higher education increased by 30%, as per the latest data.

  • Over 1 Lakh Indian People Are Granted Student Visas By The UK Till June 2023
  • According To A Report
  • Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)

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