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IIT Mandi Researchers Measure The Impact Of Bioengineering Against Soil Erosion

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Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, IIT Mandi, recently looked at the effectiveness of fibres and plants in preventing soil erosion. The results of this research were recently published in the prestigious Journal of Soil and Sediments in a paper co-authored by Dr. Kala Venkata Uday, Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IIT Mandi, and Dr. Arnav Bhavsar Vinayak, Associate Professor, School of Computing and Electrical Engineering, IIT Mandi.

A complicated environmental problem on a global scale, soil erosion has drawn much attention. According to the FAO-led Global Soil Partnership, there is an astonishing 75 billion tonnes of soil eroded annually, costing the globe an estimated $400 billion in lost revenue. In India, where soil erosion affects about 60% of the land, this problem is particularly acute.

Approximately 145 million hectares of the nation's total 305.9 million hectares are required for immediate conservation efforts.

  • IIT Mandi researchers measure the impact of bioengineering against soil erosion
  • IIT Mandi team
  • Dr. Kala Venkata Uday
  • Associate Professor
  • School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • IIT Mandi
  • and Dr. Arnav Bhavsar Vinayak
  • Associate Professor
  • School of Computing and Electrical Engineering
  • IIT Mandi
  • Indian Institute of Technology

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