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DU Admissions 2023: The Two-Day Window For Mid-Entry Registrations Is Available Through August 19 At Delhi University

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Education Exclusive

The University of Delhi (DU) has announced that the school will offer mid-entry for new applicants during a two-day window.

The provision will make it easier for applicants who either did not submit an application for CSAS phase one or could not finish phase two to participate in the third round of CSAS. The availability of mid-entry will also assist students who were rejected because of incorrect subject mapping in correcting their subject mapping and finishing the phase.
Only if they submit their applications during the mid-entry window will any of these students be taken into account for allocation in the third cycle of CSAS (UG 2023-2024). The mid-entry window applications will be accepted from August 17 at 5:00 p.m. until August 19 at 4:59 p.m.
On August 10, the varsity announced the second list of seats allocated. The list is available on the university's official website,, for students who applied to the school.
A total of 19038 allocations were made in the second round. 10,104 of these candidates received their improved choice. After the first round, a total of 34,174 candidates chose to upgrade, while 32,600 chose to keep their original placement.

  • DU Admissions 2023: The Two-Day Window For Mid-Entry Registrations Is Available Through August 19 At Delhi University
  • CSAS (UG 2023-2024
  • University of Delhi (DU)

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