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How Does Technology Oppose Nature

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Everyone's use of technology has magnified over time, whether they are three years old or 80 years old. Today, technology is present at all times and in all locations. The world today's sedentary lifestyle has severely impacted not only them but also the environment in which we live.

Although it is undeniable that technology has been used as a tool for environmental degradation caused by human activity, not all environmentalists agree on the issue of eliminating technology. Despite the fact that many people believe that technology is more of a curse than a blessing, it is asserted and thought that technology itself is not bad; rather, what makes it detrimental is how humans misuse it.

Technology is a tremendous tool that has the potential to enhance both our environment and our quality of life. Technology use, however, can also have the opposite result: the destruction of nature. Technology has always had two sides to it. Although it has increased our productivity, it has also had a negative impact on the environment. People have been debating whether or not technology harms nature for a very long time. There is, however, no obvious solution.

Technology as a Environmental Curse
Environmental pollution is a result of technology misuse and improper application. A considerable increase in demand has led to increased consumption, which has led to an increase in the supply of goods that play a big role in industrialization in terms of better technology. This has resulted in greater production of machines and automobiles. 

A frightening amount of nature is being destroyed by technology, particularly the internet. People can now acquire information about nature on the internet and go out and damage it. Without ever leaving the house, people can learn about the natural world and its resources. From the convenience of their own homes, they may learn about the environment and how to harm it. Due to how simple it is to learn about nature and then obliterate it without realising it, this is a serious issue. 

The increase in toxicity in water bodies is caused by nitrogen deposits, which act as fertiliser in the water and encourage the growth of algae, which is harmful to the water's quality because it obstructs aquatic life's access to oxygen and fosters a eutrophic environment that slowly kills it. Another factor contributing to poor water quality is farm runoff, which pollutes the water and renders it impossible for aquatic life to exist. This runoff includes pesticides and plant food.

Deforestation, which occurs as a result of humans willfully destroying forests to make way for new cities and cutting down trees quickly due to technology use, accounts for another significant portion of the global environment loss. This practice has resulted in the extinction of many species and is a contributing factor to the world's extreme climate change.  Humanity has become dependent on technological products like phones and tablets, which increase WiFi and internet connectivity and increase radiation production. This has also led to the extinction of some bird species due to radiation in the atmosphere.

The Cultural And Natural Opposition
The premise behind this entire belief is that human-made creations, like the in-issue technology, are inferior to nature. To clarify further, the idea that culture is at odds with nature rests on the premise that technology is thereby diminished, and its worth is called into question. The environment is thought to be most valuable when it is in its pristine natural state, and the introduction of technology will unavoidably diminish the essence of nature. Any representation of nature made possible by technology or any artificially produced natural beauty would inevitably fall short of nature as it truly is.

Therefore, it is stated that technology cannot conserve nature and can only artificially build another dimension of the same since a technologically induced environment is judged inferior to true nature.

Environment-saving potential of technology
When it comes to ecosystem restoration, the arguments that emphasise the distinction between cultural and natural factors may not be refused but questioned because they can be persuasive when assuming that humans and nature are distinct. 

This assumption may not be accurate given that people are byproducts of nature. According to the argument put forth, technological advancement should not be seen as in opposition to nature because people have created technology, making it incorrect to label it as unnatural. As a result, technologically improved environments should not be viewed as less valuable than the traditional understanding of nature. Although it is reasonable to argue that technology is neither positive nor bad for the sake of this essay because there are now two opposing viewpoints on the matter.

Removing CO2 from the atmosphere and neutralising the negative effects of poisonous gases by reducing the earth's radiation absorption are two more geoengineering technological concepts. Utilising bioremediation is a finding that lessens the toxicity of metals in soil or water by removing pollutants using microorganisms.

The importance of poverty as a major contributor to pollution has been explored. Thanks to technology, the deforestation caused by the poor's use of charcoal for cooking has been reduced thanks to the availability of jobs and the practice of recycling. The internet has been the major benefit of technology since it connects people on a worldwide scale, allowing for the free flow of information and raising knowledge awareness.

In The End
While technology may not be able to solve every environmental problem, when used properly, it may always help to make things better. The improper application and use of technology are to blame for the state of the environment. The mishandling of technology, rather than the use of it, is what influences climate change, global warming, and pollution. Conclusion: Unauthorised and out-of-control use of technology has a harmful influence on the environment, but it also has the potential to improve it if it is properly focused. Therefore, the application of technology affects whether it has a positive or bad impact, so the goal should be to position technology in a way that will effectively treat the current state of the world around us.

  • How Does Technology Oppose Nature
  • how technology is harming nature
  • technology or nature
  • which is imporatnt technology or nature
  • Technology as an Environmental Curse
  • benefits of technology
  • benefits of nature
  • The Cultural And Natural Opposition
  • Environment-saving potential of technology

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