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NCERT Textbooks to Accommodate Research on the Arctic, Antarctica and Himalayas.

NCERT Textbooks

In light of the initiative taken by the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences, the Indian school's curriculum may highlight India's strides in research on the Arctic, Antarctica and the Himalayas. 


The National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), in a joint effort with the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences, have formed the committee to accentuate the importance of research in these areas in school textbooks and the recent developments in these fields.

Secretary of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, M Ravichandran, "We wrote a letter to them... they (NCERT) have recently constituted a committee for bringing out the importance of the Antarctica expedition, Arctic, and also the Himalayas and some other aspects, including climate change. They are working on it." 

The revision of the curriculum post and the removal of content like climate change, monsoon and greenhouse effect have triggered recent controversy. The council has clarified that these topics will be restored with the release of books based on the new curriculum framework.

The initiative by the Ministry of Earth Sciences and NCERT will enhance the quality of education by introducing cutting-edge research and the latest scientific developments in the syllabus. 


  • NCERT textbooks
  • Arctic research
  • Antarctica research
  • Himalayan research
  • NCERT textbooks

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