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Ewing Christian College

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Institution Information

Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, a prestigious Autonomous Minority Institution, a reputed Centre of Learning and a Constituent College of the University of Allahabad. Ewing Christian College is one of the best undergraduate colleges in this part of the country, having earned great reputation in all spheres of academics. Ewi

Read More Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, a prestigious Autonomous Minority Institution, a reputed Centre of Learning and a Constituent College of the University of Allahabad. Ewing Christian College is one of the best undergraduate colleges in this part of the country, having earned great reputation in all spheres of academics. Ewing Christian College was also amongst the first colleges in the country to be selected for College Science Improvement Programme (COSIP) started by UGC in the 1970’s. Ewing Christian College was granted Autonomy in 1994 and was again amongst the first batch of 35 colleges in the country where the UGC introduced vocational courses under its scheme for vocationalisation of Degree courses.
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Contact Info

Ewing Christian College

Gaughat, - 211003, Uttar Pradesh

Landline Number :

(0532) 2413645

Courses & Fees

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