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Chandigarh College of Architecture

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Institution Information

The Chandigarh College of Architecture was established as part of the �Chandigarh Project�� the most significant and daring experiment in architecture and urban planning of the 20th century. As such, the driving force and mission of the college is also to fulfill the same ethos. The College is

Read More The Chandigarh College of Architecture was established as part of the �Chandigarh Project�� the most significant and daring experiment in architecture and urban planning of the 20th century. As such, the driving force and mission of the college is also to fulfill the same ethos. The College is a premier institution of the country for imparting architectural education at the national, regional and city level. The college has been rated amongst the top 3 architectural institutions in the country since 2012 onwards.
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Contact Info

Chandigarh College of Architecture

Chandigarh College Of Architecture, Sector 12, Chandigarh - 160012, India. Chandigarh

Landline Number :

(172) 2740685

Landline Number :

(172) 2740688

Landline Number :

(172) 2740686

Courses & Fees

Ranking & Awards

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