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What are the best practices for research paper publication?

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Research Paper Publication

“Re + Search” the word itself is enough to understand its meaning, which means researching or searching for the desired area again. The field of research advocates the hunt for transparency in any relevant area. The term' research' refers to the systematic method of enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting the facts or data, analysing the facts and reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solutions(s) towards the concerned problem or in certain generalisations for some theoretical formulation. 

The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English defines research as "a careful investigation or inquiry, especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge." Redman and Mory define research as a "systematised effort to gain new knowledge." But research is more than just a definition. It's a journey, a movement from the known to the unknown, a voyage of discovery. Inquisitiveness is the mother of all knowledge, and the method which man employs for obtaining the knowledge of whatever the unknown can be termed as research, sparking curiosity and excitement in the process. 

According to Clifford Woody, research comprises defining and redefining problems; formulating hypotheses or suggested solutions; collecting, organising and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last, carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis. It is the pursuit of truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and experiment. In short, the search for knowledge through an objective and systematic method of finding a solution to a problem is research. 

What is a Research Paper?

A document prepared by a research scholar or academician that presents the results of original research, analysis of the subject, or review on a specific topic. It comprises an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion. A research paper aims to establish new knowledge from existing knowledge.

Inspiration to write a Research Paper!

Have you ever considered this query? 

Why do people decide to conduct research? 

Since each person must provide a unique perspective, there can be a comprehensive response to this topic. Nevertheless, let's brainstorm a few concepts to inspire future research. 

1. The allure of a research degree and its myriad benefits is a dream for many academics and researchers. 

2. Starting a research project to solve an issue or discover the ultimate truth. 

3. The profusion of ideas when engaging in creative endeavour.

4. The desire to serve society. 

5. They want to be respected by others. 

Numerous other elements can influence a person's decision to begin a research career and obtain a PhD. 

What are the publication ethics?

The set of values and norms known as publication ethics regulates the conduct of scholars, writers, editors, reviewers, and publishers while creating and distributing scholarly works. When these ethics are followed, academic publications' legitimacy, honesty, and quality are guaranteed. 

Among the fundamentals of publication ethics are:

For Authors:

  1. Honesty and Integrity  
  2. Originality
  3. Acknowledgement of Sources
  4. Authorship Criteria
  5. Conflict of Interest 

For Editors:

  1. Fair and Impartial Decision-Making
  2. Confidentiality
  3. Integrity of the Review Process
  4. Ethical Oversight.

For Reviewers:

  1. Confidentiality
  2. Objectivity and Fairness
  3. Timeliness
  4. Conflict of Interest

For Publishers:

  1. Support for Ethical Conduct.
  2. Integrity and Transparency
  3. Addressing Misconduct

By following these procedures, we not only preserve the originality and ethics of the research but also contribute to the credibility and trustworthiness of the academic publishing ecosystem.

UGC guidelines for authorised research paper publication?

The University Grants Commission (UGC) in India provides guidelines to ensure the quality and integrity of research paper publications. The guidelines aim to promote ethical research practices and improve the quality of research publications by academic institutions and researchers.

Below are the key points based on UGC guidelines for authorised research paper publication:

Key Guidelines:

  1. UGC-CARE List:
    • The UGC has established the "Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics" (CARE) to create and maintain a reference list of quality journals, known as the UGC-CARE List.
    • Researchers should publish their work in journals listed in the UGC-CARE List to ensure it is recognised and valued.
  2. Quality of Journals:
    • Journals must undergo a rigorous selection process to be included in the UGC-CARE List.
    • The criteria for selection include a peer review process, regular publication, and adherence to publication ethics.
  3. Ethical Practices:
    • Researchers must adhere to ethical guidelines, including avoiding plagiarism, ensuring accurate and honest data reporting, and acknowledging all sources of funding and contributions.
    • Misconduct such as fabrication, falsification, or data manipulation is strictly prohibited.
  4. Authorship Criteria:
    • Authorship should be based on significant contributions to the research work.
    • All authors must approve the final manuscript and agree to its submission for publication.
  5. Conflict of Interest:
    • Researchers should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation of the results.
  6. Indexing and Abstracting:
    • Preference is given to journals indexed in recognised databases with a wide readership and citation base.
  7. Institutional Repository:
    • Faculty and researchers encourage institutions to maintain an institutional repository of research publications to ensure wider dissemination and visibility.
  8. Promotion and Evaluation:
    • For academic promotions and evaluations, publications in journals in the UGC-CARE List will be considered valid and credible.

Process for Inclusion in UGC-CARE List:

  1. Submission: Academic institutions or individual researchers can submit journals for inclusion in the UGC-CARE List.
  2. Screening and Evaluation: The submitted journals undergo screening to check for quality and adherence to ethical standards.
  3. Review and Recommendation: A committee reviews the journals and recommends them for inclusion based on predefined criteria.
  4. Periodic Review: The UGC-CARE List is periodically reviewed and updated to include only high-quality journals.

How to find trusted publications?

Ensure your study is published in respectable and renowned journals to avoid false journals; you must find trustworthy outlets. 

The following techniques and tools can assist you in locating reliable publications:

1. Check Journal Indexing - Databases ensure the journal is indexed in reputable databases such as 'PubMed', 'Web of Science', 'Scopus', or 'IEEE Xplore'. Journals indexed in these databases typically have rigorous peer-review processes and high academic standards.

2. Consult the UGC-CARE List - The UGC-CARE List for researchers in India includes journals that meet research standards with originality.

3. Evaluate the Journal's Impact Factor- The impact factor, provided by Clarivate Analytics' Journal Citation Reports (JCR), measures the average number of citations to articles published in the journal. While not the only quality indicator, a higher impact factor generally indicates a more reputable journal.

4. Check the Publisher's Reputation - Reputable Publishers such as Springer, Elsevier, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, and SAGE are reputable and trustworthy.

5. Review Editorial Board and Peer Review Process:

  • Editorial Board: Check the credentials and affiliations of the journal's editorial board members. Well-known experts in the field often serve on the boards of reputable journals.
  • Peer Review Process: Ensure the journal has a transparent and rigorous peer review process. This information is usually available on the journal's website.

6. Look for Inclusion in Trusted Journal Lists:

  • DOAJ: The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) lists high-quality, peer-reviewed open access journals.
  • Sherpa Romeo: Use Sherpa Romeo to check the journal's open-access policies and ensure ethical publication practices.

7. Beware of Predatory Journals:

  • Characteristics of Predatory Journals: Predatory journals often accept articles quickly with little or no peer review, charge excessive publication fees, and aggressively solicit manuscripts.
  • Blocklists and Allowlists: Use lists like Cabells' Predatory Reports to identify predatory journals and Beall's List for additional reference. However, always cross-check with other resources, as lists can become outdated.

8. Seek Recommendations:

  • Colleagues and Mentors
  • Professional Societies.

9. Review Journal Metrics and Indicators—Besides the impact factor, other metrics such as the h-index, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), and Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) can provide insights into the journal's quality and influence.

10. Examine the Journal's Archive—To check the quality of published articles, review some of the articles that were previously published in the journal to assess their quality, relevance, and citation rates.

  Resources for Verification:

  • Journal Citation Reports (JCR): Provides impact factor and other citation metrics.
  • SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): Offers journal rankings based on citation data from the Scopus database.
  • PubMed: Lists reputable journals in the field of life sciences and biomedicine.
  • Web of Science: A comprehensive list of indexed journals across various disciplines is included.


  • Research Paper Publication