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10 Best Teaching Methods for Educators in 2024

Teaching Methods

“More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and spirit in which the teaching is given”.   By- Bertrand Russell.

Teaching method is the way of teaching in which the teacher teaches the class or group in a certain way or method to achieve the teaching aims and goals; teaching method is how a person teaches a classroom. For example, in the lecture method, in this traditional method, the teacher will explain orally about a specific topic, and the learners will listen to the lecture; another conventional method is rote learning, in which the teacher tells students to memorised the essential issues and after the exam, the students forget the topic, because of these, the trending teaching methods replace the top traditional methods. In the contemporary world, the teaching-learning process has become very dynamic; there are many trending teaching methods which are invented to improve the process by engaging the students in activities like problem-solving, gamification of a topic, use of audio-visual aids in the classroom, tour learning, and many more. Even with the modern methods, there are a few methods which are most famous and trending in schools and institutions, which are the following:

Trending Teaching Methods

Trending Teaching Methods

1 V.A.K. Learning

VAK Learning

V.A.K. stands for ‘Visual Audio Kinesthetic’. In this method, the teacher puts students in visual, audio, and kinesthetic groups (whichever the student is more comfortable with). Some students learn by watching videos, animation, action, or work. Some students learn by listening to lectures, audio files, or explanations, and some learn by doing physical movements (for example, practicals in sciences). This method is more effective when there are individual differences.

2 Flipped Classroom

Flipped Classroom

The flipped classroom method is one of the most trending and effective learning methods, as the traditional teaching method has been changed. The students first have to study or research independently in their homes or classrooms, and then they have to solve the task, project, or problem given by the teacher in collaboration with the other students. This method makes students independent and improves their critical and research skills. 

3 Collaborative Learning

Collaborative Learning

The most preferred method by both students and teachers is the collaborative method. In this method, the teacher creates a balanced group of students and gives them tasks and problems to solve to help each other in the learning process and improve valuable soft skills like teamwork, delegation, time management, collaboration, decision-making, leadership, and social skills.

4 Game-based Learning

Game Based Learning

Game-based learning is the teaching method in which the teacher teaches the class through an activity or creates a game. This method is essential to boost the engagement of students in learning. This method also promotes healthy competition and encourages each student to perform better and better with each game played. For example, to teach the properties of fruits in class, the teacher divides the students into groups and gives an explanation of a fruit, and the groups will have to provide the name of that fruit (“an object which tastes sweet, is long, and helps in digestion”- answer Banana), the winning group will earn scores.

5 Project-based Learning

Project based learning

In this learning method, the teacher assigns the students a practical or theoretical project, which is mostly a real-life problem. The students work either individually or in groups to gather information, prepare it, make a file, report on the findings, and come up with possible solutions. This method improves students' research, critical thinking, and formatting skills (for example, the melting of Antarctica). 

6 Problem Solving Learning

Problem Solving Learning

One of the most essential teaching methods is problem-solving. In this method, the teacher presents a real-life problem or situation, and students must come up with possible and logical solutions. This method can be used either in groups or individually. The problem-solving process develops students' analytical and rational thinking.

7 Independent Learning

Independent Learning

Independent learning is the method of teaching in which the student will decide what, when, and where they want to learn. The teacher can still be a part of this process, but their role changes to that of a facilitator. They can support the student by giving them learning material and feedback on their progress. In this method, the student can evaluate themself and decide what to improve on their own.

8 Differentiation Learning

Differentiation learning

Differentiated learning is a teaching method that tailors instruction to students depending on their needs.This method could be a great option when teaching mixed-ability classes and wanting everyone to get the most out of each lesson. It also may require teachers to teach content at varying levels according to individual student readiness. The primary goal of differentiating instruction is to ensure that all students remain actively engaged in learning by providing tasks that align with their specific needs. (For example, a teacher may print a news article at several levels so students can all read and comprehend it to prepare for a class discussion).

9  Blended Learning

Blended Learning

The most common and trending teaching method is blended learning, which combines traditional techniques with online learning facilities. Students can access the learning materials online and participate in the class through Microsoft Teams or Google Meet; the teacher uses digital tools to teach and assess the students. This is how students can learn or attend class even if they cannot attend traditional school

10  Competency-Based Learning

Competency based learning

Competency-based learning is the most popular method of augmenting other teaching methods. In this method, the teacher provides students with a test or an assessment (depending on their performance) and judges whether or not a learner has grasped what was intended from a lesson before letting them progress to the next module.

Advantages of modern teaching methods 

Advantages of modern teaching methods


These are the most trending teaching methods in the modern world. After using these teaching methods, students' willingness to go to school has increased, and their abilities to think, grasp, and perform have exponentially escalated. It is essential to use different methods to achieve educational aims and goals.

“In teaching it is the method and not the content that is the message”. - Ashley Montagu


1 What are the modern teaching methods?

Modern teaching methods include V.A.K learning, Flipped classroom, Collaborative learning, Game-based, Project-based learning, Problem-solving learning, Independent learning, Differentiation learning, Blended learning, and Competency-Based Learning.

2 What is the limitation of modern teaching techniques?

The limitations of modern teaching methods are the need for more infrastructure, limited technological resources, and limited funds.

3 What is the difference between traditional and modern teaching methods?

In traditional teaching methods, the learner is passive and learns by listening to lectures. Emphasis is placed on memorization. Modern teaching methods involve the learner in the process by offering an array of collaborative activities, where the learner actively participates and explores the topic on their own, all the while enhancing essential life skills.

4 What is the role of technology in the trending teaching methods?

Technology plays the most important role in modern teaching methods, as these methods rely on technology to use audiovisual aids and provide necessary resources to students

  • Teaching Methods
  • Modern Teaching Methods
  • Online Education