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IIM Sambalpur Signed An Agreement To Foster Entrepreneurship And Received $2 Million In Financing For The Incubation Centre

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Education Exclusive

The ninth annual Foundation Day was held at IIM Sambalpur, and this year's topic was "Accelerating Startup's Ecosystems". Dharmendra Pradhan, the Union Minister of Education, Skill Development, and Entrepreneurship, spoke during the programme. Through a video message, he offered his congratulations to IIM Sambalpur on its ninth foundation day.

The Union Minister advised students to adopt innovation, inclusivity, and integrity as their compass points in all of their endeavours, according to a press release published by IIM Sambalpur.

To encourage start-ups and entrepreneurship, Sushant Kumar of ESKYEN Ventures contributed a fund of USD 2 million to the IIM Sambalpur Incubation Centre.

According to a press release, Prof. Mahadeo Jaiswal, Director of IIM Sambalpur, spoke at the event about three innovative projects: BunkarValleys.com, which promotes master weavers and artisans; MineralValleys.com, which examines the value that mines and minerals create for the people of Odisha; and DigitalValue.com, which encourages digital leadership across the nation and upcoming MoUs.

  • IIM Sambalpur Signed An Agreement To Foster Entrepreneurship And Received $2 Million In Financing For The Incubation Centre
  • USD 2 million to the IIM Sambalpur Incubation Centre
  • Dharmendra Pradhan
  • the Union Minister of Education
  • Skill Development
  • and Entrepreneurship
  • Accelerating Startup's Ecosystems

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