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Top B.Design Colleges in Industrial / Product Design - India

The world has become a global village, and everyone is connected with the world just by a click. Right from connecting with people to shopping online or buying stocks, technology has made our lives easier. As technology is booming and innovations are coming into the limelight every day, it needs different expertise to enhance and develop products, Industrial Product designers being one of them. An Industrial or a Product designer is responsible for building and creating a user experience that brings satisfaction that aligns business goals and objectives. Product designers play an integral role in product development by shaping goals and objectives into the real user experience. 

Top 10 reasons to do Industrial/Product Designer

Learns the art of collaborating

  • Understanding and working in collaboration in the field of Industrial/ Product design are very vital. A good product/ industrial designer extracts ideas and opinions by communicating and building a rapport with his users, stakeholders, or other disciplines involved. Collaboration helps to insinuate new ideas, saves time and money, satisfaction, and leads pathways to better solutions. Learning to master the art of collaboration will help you fetch good profits and demand.

Helps to develop strategic thinking 

  • Strategic thinking and tactful thinking are the two virtues that develop when working in industrial/ Product designing. Having a strategic eye helps get a better understanding of the business aims and motives, user requirements, and helps in getting out better solutions. Moreover, it helps in knowing the role and place of design when into a product, industrial setting, or a team.

Multi-skilled work 

  • Product designing is a job that brings out your creativity through the expression of art. It tests your practicability and productiveness through engineering and cost considerations through business and market. It helps you develop various skill-sets in a single job making you a valuable and demanding asset in employment. 


  • One of the main advantages of choosing the field of product or industrial designing is its flexibility. Unlike other jobs having a degree in product/ industrial design can get you jobs in various fields like design research, advertising art direction, desktop publishing, etc. It helps you open doors to a lot of scopes and opportunities in regards to your career. Moreover, it is also flexible with its work culture, i.e., choosing to work with an agency or freelance. 

Develops Commercial Awareness 

  • Having or Developing commercial Awareness is an indispensable tool required in the work of product/ industrial designing. Commercial Awareness helps gain deep knowledge and understanding of a business's functioning, user's demands, and the gap holes in the business. Developing or having one can help you tackle risks, make better decisions, build a strong reputation, earn profits and client satisfaction

Develops Efficient Creative Communication Skills 

  • Communicating your creativity is required to bring out the best results when designing a product. A product and its design is the mediator between a company and the customer. Hence, a product that communicates well with the consumer's daily needs and wants will always be in high demand. Hence every product should speak for its way of use, why you need it, and how it will help you. 

Improves Problem Solving Skills

  •  A product / industrial designer's main responsibility is to find solutions and better lives by making innovative experiences. A product or industrial designer's prime job is to solve problems by building by researching, gathering, and analyzing, and processing data and then building experiences. A product designer with a deeper understanding of consumers' needs, business requirements, and financial conditions can solve problems by applying strategy. 

High Demand

  • The surge in need for product designers is a trend that is later seen in the market. There is also a serious shortage of good and well-skilled product designers. As companies are in neck to neck competition, the release of manufactured products is faster, and releasing new concepts is important. It is only possible with the help of a product designer. The work of a product or an industrial designer is rewarding and pays very well.

Develops Empathy 

  • One of the main traits of a product designer is empathizing and helping solve the users' problems. By putting yourself in other people's shoes, a product designer will be able to design experiences for its users and understand their problems, which require empathy. As the industry is for the users learning and developing non-selfish thinking and looking beyond will help in creation.

Rewarding Job

  • Product designing is about creation and innovation. Hence the collective thought that unifies all designers together is "to build and create innovations or experiences that better life." Designing plays an impact and is rewarding as your contribution has moved the tech world one step ahead in creating history. Hence, the sense of reward and job satisfaction is high.

Job Opportunities

With a degree in product designing and adequate skills, one can secure a job either in a company or opt for a freelancer's option. Usually, people with a degree in this field can work as a CAD technician, Color technologist, Exhibition Designer, Furniture Designer, Interior designer, etc. The usual employers include Industrial manufacturers, Car manufacturers, retailers, etc. Along with high demand and employment vacancies in companies like Hotstar, Google TV, Uber, Rapido, etc., a product designer's average salary is Rs 1,44,000/-

In conclusion, the work and field of product/ industrial designers are fun and exciting. Many opportunities paved the line and an attractive salary. Still, the most important factor is the zeal and passion for making and design experiences that benefit people's livelihood. A degree in product or industrial designing and adequate skills will help you open your doors to new opportunities and prospects in the tech world.

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