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Want to Join an Internship? – Here’s all you need to know before joining

Education Exclusive

Internships are a vital component of any academic program because they give students the required practical experience in learning how various industries operate.

Internships provide the best opportunity to expand one's knowledge and skill set without entering the workforce on a full-time basis. Internships are essential for developing soft skills. Additionally, internships support the development of professional networks in the field of study of your choice. A strong approach throughout the internship may also result in a possible job offer from the company.

The majority of businesses use internship programs as a strategic means of acquiring talent before hiring people for entry-level jobs. Employment in other industries (where you may apply after your internship) benefits greatly from an internship as well because it gives those companies confidence that you understand the fundamentals of the field and may find it easier to place you there.

Purpose of Internships

The primary goal of higher education is to adequately prepare students for success in the workforce after graduation. An internship is a key component in achieving this. An internship is a form of experiential learning that blends theoretical and practical knowledge from the classroom with skill development in a professional environment.

 It is significant for the several reasons listed below:

  • Students can gain valuable real-world experience and acquire new skills in fields related to their career interests.
  • It helps to enhance industry knowledge and provide the best experience in the field of interest, in addition to academic credentials.
  • Internships promote personal development as well. It nurtures a variety of qualities in your personality, including motivation, self-assurance, honesty, dedication, and time management. It enhances managerial abilities, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork comprehension while enhancing communication skills.
  • It's the ideal requirement for increasing a CV's worth. It will persuade hiring managers that you are a good fit for the specific job role and have a bright future.
  • Learning about the complexities of the workplace, organisational behaviour, better communication skills and professionalism is beneficial.
  • It also offers a fantastic chance to locate mentors who can guide one through a career.


Under the New Education Policy(NEP), which was introduced by the Ministry of Education, the Government of India, undergraduate degrees with internships as a required component of the curriculum have been made available in order to investigate these advantages, prepare students for the workforce, and improve their employability. Thus, internships have increased as a result of the New Education Policy, which emphasises providing students with job training in several sectors for value creation.


1. What is an internship?
Internships are a vital component of any academic program because they give students the required practical experience in learning how various industries operate.

2. What is the structure of an internship?
The internship program ought to be set up so the intern can work in a variety of departments or areas within the business. This makes use of interns' ability to see the company from various angles while also assisting them in understanding the organisational structure.

3. How to find the right internship?
Consider the areas you want to pursue and the abilities you want to acquire before starting the search for the ideal internship. Take help of counsellors, internet, take help of college seniors. 

4. What should I do for an internship?
A trainee who has committed to work for a short time with an organisation is called an intern. Gaining work experience, occasionally earning college credit, and always getting a sense of the industry they're interning in are the main objectives of an intern.

5. How long is the internship?
These internships typically run between 10 and 12 weeks, though the length might vary based on the particular business. The average duration of an alternative internship is fifteen weeks, or the length of a college semester.

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